Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Irenaeus Fabula 9. De milvo aegrotante

I'm embarking on a new Latin fable project here at the Latin Via Fables blog: digitizing the 300 fables in the Mithologica sacro-profana, seu florilegium fabularum by P. Irenaeus, published in 1666, which has recently become available at GoogleBooks. For a complete index of the fables in the book, with links to the fables I've digitized so far, check out the Aesopus wiki page at Aesopus.PBwiki.com.

Today's fable is De milvo aegrotante, the story of the death-bed repentence of the rapacious kite. In Perry's indexing system, this is Perry 324.

To make reading the fable easier, I've provided a segmented version of the story below.

Aegrotavit aliquando Milvus periculose, remedia nil effecerant; accersiti frustra Medici monent disponat rebus suis. Is tandem moriturus Matrem vocat, rogat, quando in humanis spes nulla salutis esset, eat precatum Deos pro sua valetudine. Respondet illa incunctanter: "Nil tibi, fili, ex illa parte sperandum puta; nec quicquam tuo nomine, aut causa, Diis supplicandum, quorum sacra et aras tuis toties rapinis violasti. Deus enim sceleratorum nec vota nec munera accepta habet.

Aegrotavit aliquando Milvus
nil effecerant;
accersiti frustra
Medici monent
disponat rebus suis.
tandem moriturus
Matrem vocat, rogat,
in humanis
spes nulla salutis esset,
eat precatum Deos
pro sua valetudine.
Respondet illa incunctanter:
"Nil tibi, fili,
ex illa parte
sperandum puta;
nec quicquam
tuo nomine, aut causa,
Diis supplicandum,
quorum sacra et aras
tuis toties rapinis violasti.
Deus enim
nec vota nec munera
accepta habet."

Here's Barlow's illustration for the fable (image source):

Aesop's Fables in Latin now available at Amazon.com.

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