Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fabula Facilis: Hercules et Rusticus

Rustici aratrum haeret
in profundo luto.
Mox prostratus,
rusticus Herculem implorat.
Statim, e caelo vocem audit!
"O rustice inepte,
flagella tu equos;
manus umerosque
rotis adhibe,
annitens totis viribus,
et deinde Herculem invoca!
Tunc enim
tibi propitius Hercules aderit."
Fabula docet:
Otiosa vota nihil prosunt;
iuva temet,
et ipse deus te adiuvabit.

This story is based on 804. Hercules et Rusticus.
Hercules et Rusticus

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Crane images.

Hercules - Hercules
et - and
rusticus - country man, farmer
aratrum - plow
haereo - stick, be stuck
in - in, into
profundus - deep
lutum - mud
mox - soon, next
prostratus - stretched out, laid low
imploro - appeal to, beg, invoke
statim - at once, immediately
e - from, out from
caelum - heaven, sky
vox - voice
audio - hear, listen
O - o! oh!
ineptus - silly, foolish
flagello - flog, whip
tu - you
equus - horse
manus - hand
umerus - upper arm, shoulder
rota - wheel
adhibeo - apply, put to, hold out to
annitor - strive, exert, lean on
totus - all, whole
vis - force, power
deinde - next, then, thereupon
invoco - call upon, invoke
tunc - then
enim - for, because
propitius - favorable
adsum - be present, attend
fabula - story, tale, fable
doceo - teach
otiosus - lazy, indolent
votum - vow, prayer
nihil - nothing
prosum - be useful, benefit, profit
iuvo - help, assist, aid
ipse - (him/her/it)self
deus - god
adiuvo - help, encourage, favor
M0804 Perry291

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