Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fabula Facilis: Formica Alata

Formica sortem suam conqueritur,
"Sum malis innumeris obnoxia,
et semper timeo!
Rustici planta gravis
me conterere potest,
et perdices
me, escam iucundam,
comedere volunt!"
Tunc Deum orat,
"O Iuppiter,
mihi concede alas,
et periculis tantis
caput incolume eripere potero!"
Iuppiter motus est
formicae querela pervicaci,
et alas concedit bestiae imprudenti.
Formica ergo
munere novo gaudet
et levis per auras alis se tollit.
At simul hirundo eam adspicit!
Avis famelica in eam devolat,
et, rapido impetu,
necopinantem vorat.
Fabula docet:
Deus, dum annuit,
stulte appetentes plectit.

This story is based on 651. Formica Alata.

formica - ant
alatus - winged, equipped with wings
sors - lot, lot in life, fate
suus - reflexive possessive pronoun
conqueror - complain, lament
dico - say, speak
sum - be, exist
malus - bad, evil, wicked
innumerus - countless, innumerable
obnoxius - liable, exposed to
et - and
semper - always
timeo - be afraid
rusticus - farmer, country person
planta - plant, sole, foot
gravis - heavy
ego - I, me
contero - grind down, crush
perdix - partridge
esca - food
iucundus - pleasant
comedo - eat, consume
volo - want, wish, will
tunc - then
deus - god
oro - pray, beg
O - O! oh!
Iuppiter - Jupiter
concedo - grant, bestow
ala - wing
periculum - danger, peril
tantus - so great
caput - head, life
incolumis - unharmed, safe
eripio - snatch, grab, rescue
possum - can, be able
moveo - move
querela - complaint
pervicax - stubborn, insistant, firm
bestia - animal, beast
imprudens - foolish, reckless, unaware
ergo - therefore
munus - gift
novus - new
gaudeo - rejoice, be happy
levis - light
per - through
aura - breeze
se - reflexive pronoun
tollo - lift, raise, remove
at - but, on the other hand
simul - at the same time
hirundo - swallow (bird)
is - he/she/it
adspicio - see, observe, look at
avis - bird
famelicus - hungry
in - in, into
devolo - fly down, swoop
rapidus - swift, rapid
impetus - rush, onrush, attack
necopinas - unawares, not expecting
voro - devour, gobble up
fabula - story, tale, fable
doceo - teach
dum - while
annuo - nod, nod assent, agree
stulte - foolishly, stupidly
appeto - seek, grasp, desire
plecto - beat, punish, buffet
M0651 (not in Perry)

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