Thursday, February 03, 2011

Fabula Facilis: Pavo Deplumatus

Pavo mansuetus et curialis est,
et plumis pulchris ornatus.
Pavo inter ceteras aves distinctus est;
quam diversi eius colores sunt!
Pavo ad avium congregationem venit.
Corvus quoque venit et pavoni dicit,
"O pavo, da mihi pennas duas."
Pavo interrogat,
"Quid facies pro me?"
Corvus respondet,
"Alta voce coram avibus te laudabo!"
Pavo pennas suas corvo concedit.
Similiter cornix petit et impetrat;
sic cuculus facit et multae aliae aves.
Denique pavo totus deplumatus remanet.
Debet pullos suos alis protegere,
sed non potest, quia pennas non habet.
Supervenit frigus et pavo perit.
Pulli ab eo recedunt,
et vivunt prout possunt.

This story is based on 546. Pavo Deplumatus.

pavo - peacock
deplumatus - stripped, plucked
mansuetus - gentle, mild
et - and
curialis - courtly, polite
sum - be, exist
pluma - feather
pulcher - pretty, beautiful
ornatus - decorated, adorned
inter - among
ceterus - other, remaining
avis - bird
distinctus - distinguished, distinct
quam - how
diversus - various, diverse
is - he/she/is
color - color
ad - towards
congregatio - gathering, flocking together
venio - come
corvus - raven, crow
quoque - also
dico - say, speak
o - oh! o!
do - give
ego - I, me
penna - feather, wing
duo - two
interrogo - inquire, ask
quid - what
facio - do, make
pro - for, before, on behalf of
respondeo - answer, reply
altus - high, loud
vox - voice
coram - in the presence of
tu - you
laudo - praise
concedo - grant, concede, give
similiter - likewise, similarly
cornix - crow
peto - ask, beg
impetro - obtain by asking
sic - thus, in this way, so
cuculus - cuckoo
multus - much, many
alius - other, another
denique - finally, in the end
totus - all, whole
remaneo - remain
debeo - must, ought
pullus - chick
suus - reflexive possessive pronoun
ala - wing
protego - cover, proect
sed - but
non - not, no
possum - be able, can
quia - because
habeo - have
supervenio - arrive
frigus - cold, winter cold
pereo - perish, die
ab - from
recedo - go away, depart
vivo - live
prout - as, just as
M0546 (not in Perry)

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