Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fabula Facilis: Ursus, Leo, et Vulpes

Leo et ursus,
hinnulum simul adepti,
de eo concertant.
Ex multa pugna
graviter a se ipsis affecti,
etiam vertigine correpti,
defatigati iacent.
Vulpes interea circumcirca it.
Prostratos eos videt,
et hinnulum in medio iacentem.
Vulpes per utrosque percurrit,
hinnulum rapit, fugit et abit!
Leo et ursus
vident quidem furacem vulpem,
sed surgere non possunt.
"Eheu, nos miseros!" dicunt,
"quod vulpi laboravimus!"

This story is based on 132. Ursus, Leo, et Vulpes.
Leo, Ursus et Vulpes

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Aesop 1660 images.
ursus - bear
leo - lion
et - and
vulpes - fox
hinnulus - fawn
simul - at the same time
adipiscor - gain, obtain, get
de - about, concerning
is - he/she/it
concerto - fight, dispute, contest
ex - out of, from, as a result of
multus - much, many
pugna - fight, fighting
graviter - heavily, seriously
a - by
se - reflexive pronoun
ipse - (him/her/it)self
afficio - affect, influence
etiam - even
vrtigo - giddiness, whirling
corripio - seize, grab, carry away
defatigo - tire, exhaust, wear out
iaceo - lie, lie down
interea - meanwhile
circumcirca - around
eo - go
prosterno - knock down, lay low
is - he/she/it
video - see
in - in, into
medius - middle
per - through
uterque - each, both
percurro - run through
rapio - grab, grasp
fugio - run off, flee
abeo - go away, leave
quiden - indeed
furax - thieving
sed - but
surgo - rise up
non - not, no
possum - can, be able
eheu - alas, alack
nos - we, us
miser - wretched, unlucky
dico - say, speak
quod - because
laboro - work, labor, exert effort
M0132 Perry147

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