I won't be adding any new fables for a while in order to concentrate on the Latin Distich project, but here is a random easy fable to keep you busy in the meantime - just click on the title of the fable to see the text of the fable, along with a vocabulary list! There are appx. 200 fables with vocabulary now, so you should be able to find some fun things to read at random. :-)
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Pulex et Homo
Pulex hominem mordet;
homo extemplo pulicem comprehendit.
Pulex homini dicit,
"Oro, ut me mittas,
bestiolam tam minutam,
et tam levis punctuli ream!"
At homo ille renuit et,
hostem enecans, dicit,
"Hoc modo
docere volo pulices omnes,
et ceteros similes,
quam periculosum sit
homines pungere,
quorum digiti
facile vos opprimere possunt."
This story is based on 702. Pulex et Homo.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Arthur Rackham images.
pulex - flea
et - and
homo - person, man
mordeo - bite
extemplo - immediately
comprehendo - grasp, catch, seize
dico - say, speak
oro - ask, beg, implore
ut - so that, that, in order to
ego - I, me
mitto - let go, send away
bestiola - tiny creature
tam - so
minutus - tiny
levis - light, slight
punctulum - tiny bite, sting
reus - guilty
at - but, on the other hand
ille - that, that, one
renuo - refuse, shake head "no"
hostis - enemy
eneco - kill, kill off
hic - this, this one
modus - way, manner, mode
doceo - teach
volo - want, wish, will
omnis - all, entire, every
ceterus - other, remaining, rest
similis - similar, like
quam - how
periculosus - dangerous, perilous
sum - be, exist
pungo - sting, prick
qui - who, which, that
digitus - finger
facile - easily
vos - you (plural)
opprimo - press down, crush
possum - can, be able
M0702 Perry272
Monday, December 19, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Vulpes Sine Cauda
In foveam incidit vulpecula,
et cauda eius detruncata est!
Postea occurrit multis vulpeculis.
Eas indignabunde conspicit et dicit,
"Fraterculi, quo vaditis?"
"Ad leonis basilicam imus," respondent.
"Ad leonis basilicam?" dicit vulpes.
"Profecto, ego ab ea redeo,
et mos iamiam novellus est:
omnes ferae detruncant caudas!"
Vulpeculae verba eius audiunt,
et detruncant caudas suas.
Vulpes hoc videt et irridet!
Hoc modo consolata est,
"Socios mihi creavi,
si non periculi, saltem pudoris."
Fabula docet:
Socios doloris habere
solamen est
This story is based on 41. Vulpes Sine Cauda.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Crane images.
vulpes - fox
sine - without
cauda - tail
in - in, into
fovea - pit, pitfall
incido - fall into
vulpecula - fox (diminutive)
et - and
is - he/she/it
detrunco - cut off, mutilate
postea - aftewards
occurro - run into
multus - much, many
indignabunde - indignantl, angrily
conspicio - look at, inspect
dico - say, speak
fraterculus - brother (diminutive)
quo - where? to where
vado - go
ad - to, towards
leo - lion
basilica - basilica, hall
eo - go
respondeo - answer, reply
profecto - certainly, in fact
ego - I
ab - from
redeo - come back, return
mos - habit, custom
iamiam - now, already
novellus - new (diminutive)
sum - be, exist
omnis - all, whole, every
fera - wild animal, beast
verbum - word
audio - hear, listen to
suus - reflexive possessive adjective
hic - this, this one
video - see
irrideo - mock, scoff, laugh
modus - manner, way
consolatus - consoled, comforted
socius - ally, comrade, companion
creo - create
si - if
non - not, no
periculum - danger, peril
saltem - at least, anyhow
pudor - shame, embarrassment
fabula - story, tale, fable
doceo - teach
dolor - grief, sorrow, suffering
habeo - have
solamen - comfort
miser - wretched, unfortunate, unlucky
M0041 = Perry017
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Haedus et Lupus Fores Pulsans
Capra, in pascua exiens,
haedum domi concludit.
Mater monet nemini aperire,
dum ipsa redeat.
Lupus id audit!
Post haedi matris discessum,
fores pulsat et voce caprissat,
"Mater sum; fores aperi!"
Haedus dolum praesentit,
et dicit,
"Non aperio,
nam etsi vox caprissat,
tamen lupum per rimas video."
This story is based on 328. Haedus et Lupus Fores Pulsans.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Milo Winter images.
haedus - kid, young goat
et - and
lupus - wolf
foris - door, gate
pulso - knock, beat
capra - goat, she-goat
in - in, into
pascuum - pasture, grazing land
exeo - go out
domus - home
concludo - shut up, lock in
mater - mother
moneo - warn, advise
nemo - no one, nobody
aperio - open
dum - while, until
ipse - (him/her/it)self
redeo - return, come back
is - he/she/it
audio - hear
post - after
discessus - departure
vox - voice
caprisso - to be like a goat, make like a goat
iubeo - command
sum - be, exist
dolus - trick, device, cunning
praesentio - foresee, anticipate
dico - say, speak
non - not, no
nam - for, the fact is
etsi - even if
tamen - but, however
per - through
rima - crack
video - see
M0328 Perry572
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Fur et Stultus
Stultus quidam templum intrat.
Calceos in vestibulo relinquit
et in limine haec verba scribit:
cuius hi calcei sunt,
admodum validus sum,
et mox redibo."
Fur calceos abripit,
et ita subscribit,
"Ego sum cursor velocissimus,
nec mihi in animo est redire."
This story is based on 905. Fur et Stultus.

fur - thief
et - and
stultus - stupid, foolish, fool
quidam - a certain, one, a
templum - temple
intro - enter, go into
calceus - shoe
in - in, into
vestibulum - entrance
relinquo - leave, abandon
limen - threshold, lintel
hic - this, this one
verbum - word
scribo - write
ego - I
qui - who, which, that
sum - be, exist
admodum - very, exceedingly, greatly
validus - strong, powerful
mox - soon
redeo - come back, return
abripio - snatch, steal
ita - thus, in this way
subscribo - write under
cursor - runner
velox - speedy, fast
nec - and not, nor
animus - mind
M0905 (not in Perry)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Canis et Vultur
Canis et vultur humana effodiunt ossa.
Canis thesaurum invenit et violat Manes;
iniecta est illi divitiarum cupiditas
et hoc modo sacrilegii poenas luit.
Dum aurum custodit,
oblitus ciborum copiam,
fame est consumptus.
Vultur, cani adstans, dicit,
"O canis, merito poenas luis!
Concupiscis regales opes,
sed trivio conceptus es,
et in stercoribus educatus.
Quid tibi prodest has divitias invenire?"
This story is based on 358. Canis et Vultur.
canis - dog
et - and
vultur - vulture
humanus - human
effodio - dig up, dig out
os - bone
thesaurus - treasure
invenio - find
violo - desecrate, violate
Manes - spirits of the dead
iniicio - inject, instill, inspire
ille - that, that one
divitiae - weath, riches
cupiditas - greed, desire
hic - this, this one
modus - mode, way, manner
sacrilegium - robbery of sacred goods
poena - penalty, punishment
luo - pay, atone for, pay compensation
dum - while
aurum - gold
custodio - guard, watch over
oblitus - forgetful, having forgotten
cibus - food
copia - abundance
fames - hunger
consumo - destroy, wear away, use up
adsto - stand by, beside
dico - say, speak
O - o! oh!
merito - rightfully, justly
concupisco - desire eagerly, covet
regalis - royal, fit for a king
ops - help, resources, wealth
sed - but
trivium - crossroads (in trivio, "in the gutter")
concipio - take up, grasp, form, conceive
in - in, into
stercus - manure, dung
educo - bring up, rear, educate
quid - what, for what reason, why
tu - you
prosum - profit, be useful
M0358 Perry483
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Apes et Pastor
Apes mel faciunt in quercu cava,
operi intentae.
Pastor vero in apes forte incidit
et, sedulo taciteque agens,
favos aufert.
Apes hoc sentiunt;
furore percitae,
hinc et illinc circumvolant
suisque aculeis hostem abigunt.
Ille tamen, victus, dicit,
"Valete, o feroculae,
aeternum valete!
Non adeo mel desidero,
ut a vobis illud accipiam."
This story is based on 677. Apes et Pastor.
apis - bee
et - and
pastor - shepherd
mel - honey
facio - do, make
in - in, into
quercus - oak
cavus - hollow
opus - work
intentus - attentive to, intent on
vero - in fact, indeed
forte - by chance
incido - fall into, come upon
sedulo - diligently, carefully
tacite - quietly
-que - and
ago - do, act, lead
favus - honeycomb
aufero - carry away
hic - this, this thing, this one
sentio - feel, sense, be aware of
furor - anger, rage, wrath
percitus - stirred up
hinc - here, to here, hither
illinc - there, to there, thither
circumvolo - fly around
suus - reflexive possessive adjective
aculeus - sting
hostis - enemy
abigo - drive away
ille - that, that thing, that one
tamen - however, but
victus - defeated
dico - say, speak
valeo - be well, farewell
o - o! oh!
feroculus - wild, cruel (diminutive)
aeternum - forever
non - not, no
adeo - so far, so much
desidero - crave, desire
ut - so, so that
a - from
vos - you (plural)
accipio - take, accept, receive
M0677 Perry400
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Mors et Senex
Mors ad Senem advenit, dicens,
"Te e vita nunc rapio."
Senex rogat,
"O Mors, paululum differ!
Testamentum condere debeo,
et cetera necessaria praeparare
ad tantum iter."
Mors respondet,
"Cur non hactenus praeparasti,
toties a me admonitus?"
Senex clamat,
"Sed te numquam vidi!"
Mors respondet,
"Mortalitatis tuae te admonebam
cum quotidie rapiebam
non modo aequales tuos,
quorum nulli fere iam restant,
verum etiam iuvenes, pueros, infantes.
me tibi propinquam esse,
cum sentiebas oculos hebescere,
auditum ceterosque sensus deficere,
et corpus ingravescere in dies.
Et te admonitum negas?
Quare ulterius differendum non est."
This story is based on 818. Mors et Senex.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the images in Bewick's Select Fables.
mors - death
et - and
senex - old man
ad - to, towards
advenio - come, arrive
dico - say
tu - you
e - from, out of
vita - life
nunc - now
rapio - grab, snatch
rogo - ask
O - o! oh!
paululum - a little bit
differo - postpone, put off
testamentum - will, testament
condo - make, compose
ceterus - other, rest
necessarius - necessary
praeparo - prepare, get ready
tantus - so great, such
iter - journey
respondeo - answer, reply
cur - why
non - not, no
hactenus - so far, till now
toties - so many times
a - by, from
admoneo - warn, advise
clamo -shout
sed - tu
numquam - never
video - see
mortalitas - mortality
tuus - your, yours
cum - when
quotidie - daily, every day
non modo - not only
aequalis - equal, contemporary
qui - who, which, that
nullus - none, not any
fere - practically, almost
iam - already, now
resto - remain
verum - truly
etiam - also
iuvenis - youth, young person
puer - boy
infans - infant, baby
ego - I
propinquus - nearby
sum - be, exist
sentio - sense, be aware
oculus - eye
hebesco - grow feeble
auditus - hearing, sense of hearing
-que - and
sensus - sense, awareness
deficio - fail
corpus - body
ingravesco - grow heavy, sluggish
in - in, into
dies - day
nego - deny, say that not
quare - for that reason, therefore
ulterius - further, farther
M0818 (not in Perry)
Monday, December 05, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Poeta et Agricola
Agricola ad poetam accedit;
agros enim poetae colit.
Poetam inter libros solum offendit,
et interrogat,
"Quomodo ita solus vivere potes?"
Poeta ei respondet,
"Solus tantummodo esse coepi,
postquam te huc contulisti."
This story is based on 867. Poeta et Agricola.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the images in Bewick's Select Fables.
poeta - poet
et - and
agricola - farmer
ad - to, toward
accedo - approach
ager - field
enim - for, the fact is that
colo - cultivate
inter - among
liber - book
solus - alone
offendo - come upon, run into
interrogo - ask, inquire
quomodo - how
ita - thus, in this way, so
solus - alone
vivo - live
possum - can, be able
is - he/she/it
respondeo - answer, reply
tantummodo - only, merely
sum - be, exist
coepi - I began (perfect only)
postquam - after
tu - you
huc - to this place, hither
confero - convey, carry
M0867 (not in Perry)
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Gallus et Ancillae
Anus domi ancillas multas habet;
gallum quoque habet.
Quotidie, ante solis ortum,
ad galli cantum ancillas excitat ad opus.
Ancillae tandem,
quotidiani negotii taedio commotae,
gallum obtruncant, sperantes,
"Iam, gallo necato,
nos in medios dies dormire possumus."
Sed haec spes ancillas miseras frustrata est.
Hera enim,
ut necatum gallum scivit,
ancillas surgere deinceps iubet
intempesta nocte.
This story is based on 553. Gallus et Ancillae.

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Barlow images.
anus - old woman
domus - home, house
ancilla - maid, servant
multus - much, many
habeo - have
gallus - rooster
quoque - also
quotidie - every day
ante - before
sol - sun
ortus - rising, beginning
ad - to, towards, at
cantus - song, singing
excito - awake, arouse
opus - work
tandem - finally
quotidianus - daily
negotium - work
taedium - weariness
commotus - moved, stirred up
obtrunco - kill, cut down
spero - hope
iam - now, already
neco - kill, slay
nos - we
in - in, into
medius - middle, mid
dies - day
dormio - sleep
possum - can, be able
sed - but
hic - this, this one
spes - hope
miser - wretched, unhappy, unlucky
frustror - frustrate, deceive
hera - mistress, lady of the house
enim - for, the fact is
ut - as, (as soon) as
scio - know, find out
surgo - rise, arise
deinceps - thereafter, afterwards
iubeo - command, order
intempesta nox - the death of night
M0553 Perry055
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Servus Nihil Faciens
Vir verberibus servum maxime castigat
ob pigritiam.
Servus clamat,
"Cur me verberas?
Nihil enim facio."
At herus respondet,
"Propter id ipsum te verbero,
quod nihil facis."
This story is based on 955. Servus Nihil Faciens.
servus - slave, servant
nihil - nothing
facio - do, make
vir - man
verber - lash, whip, beating
maxime - the most, very greatly
castigo - punish, chastise
ob - because of, on account of
pigritia - laziness
clamo - shout, cry
cur - why
ego - I, me
verbero - beat, strike, whip
enim - for, the fact is
at - but, on the other hand
herus - master
respondeo - answer, reply
propter - near, on account of
is - he/she/it
ipse - (him/her/it)self
tu - you
quod - because, because of the fact that
M0955 (not in Perry)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Membra et Venter
Membra dicunt ventri,
"Nosne te semper alemus
ministerio nostro,
dum tu otiosus dormis?
Hoc non diutius faciemus!"
Membra igitur ventri cibum subducunt,
et corpus debilitatum est.
Corpore moriente,
membra sero invidiae suae paenitet.
This story is based on 751. Membra et Venter.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Tenniel-Wolf images.
membrum - member, limb
et - and
venter - stomach, belly
dico - say, speak
nos - we
ne - question particle
tu - you
semper - always
alo - nourish, foster, support
ministerium - service, employment
dum - while
otiosus - lazy, idle, unoccupied
dormio - sleep
hic - this, this one
non - not, no
diutius - longer, any longer
facio - do, make
igitur - therefore, accordingly
cibus - food
subduco - carry off, withdraw, remove
corpus - body
debilitatus - weakened
morior - die
sero - late, too late
invidia - envy
suus - reflexive possessive adjectve
paenitet - regret, make sorry, displease
M0751 Perry130
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Monedula Liberata
Quidam homo monedulam captat
et eius pedem filo alligat;
tunc avem filio tradit.
Vita inter homines avi non grata est.
Tandem illa vinculum rumpit
et libertatem recuperat.
Liberata, in suum nidum volat.
Eheu! Vinculum ramis haeret,
nec avis nodum solvere valet.
ita suum fatum luget,
"Me miseram!
Libertas me necavit;
ex servitute in mortem volavi."
This story is based on 455. Monedula Liberata.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Medici Aesop images.
monedula - jackdaw
libero - set free, liberate
quidam - a, a certain, one
homo - person, man
capto - capture, seize
et - and
is - he/she/it
pes - foot
filum - thread, string
alligo - tie, bind
tunc - then, thereupon
avis - bird
filius - son
trado - hand over, give
vita - life
inter - among, between
non - not, no
gratus - welcome, pleasing
sum - be, exist
tandem - finally
ille - that, that one, he
vinculum - chain, bond
rumpo - break, rupture
libertas - freedom
recupero - regain, recover
in - in, into
suus - reflexive possessive pronoun
nidus - nest
volo - fly
eheu - alas
ramus - branch
haereo - stick, cling, get stuck
nec - and not, not (= et non)
nodus - knot
solveo - loosen, undo
valeo - be strong, be able
morior - die
ita - thus, in this way
fatum - fate
lugeo - bewail, mourn
ego - I, me
miser - wretched, unfortunate, uncluky
neco - kill, slay
ex - out, out from, from
servitus - slavery, servitude
mors - death
M0455 Perry131
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Accipiter Columbam Insequens
Accipiter columbam insequitur
praecipiti volatu,
et villam intrat,
ubi a rustico captus est.
Rusticum blande obsecrat, dicens,
"O rustice, te obsecro,
ut me demittas:
Non enim te laesi!"
Rusticus respondet,
"Nec columba te laeserat!"
Fabula docet:
merito punimus eos
qui innocentes laedunt.
This story is based on 417. Accipiter Columbam Insequens.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the images from Croxall's Aesop.
accipiter - hawk
columba - dove
insequor - chase after, pursue
praeceps - headlong, precipitous
volatus - flight
et - and
villa - farm
intro - enter, go into
ubi - where, when
a - by
rusticus - country man, farmer
capio - catch, grab, capture
blande - sweetly, in a flattering way
obsecro - entreat, beg, implore
dico - say, speak
O - o! oh!
tu - you
ut - so, so that, in other that
ego - I, me
demitto - send away, let go
non - not, no
enim - for, as a matter of fact
laedo - injure, harm
respondeo - answer, reply
nec - and not, nor (= et non)
fabula - story, tale, fable
doceo - teach
merito - rightfully, justifiably
punio - punish
is - he/she/it
qui - who, which, that
innocens - innocent, harmless
M0417 (not in Perry)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Lupi et Rusticus
Rusticus arietem excoriatum portat
ad forum,
et lupi eum sequuntur.
Rusticus eis dicit,
"Quamdiu me sequi proponitis?"
Lupi respondent,
Quamdiu arietem portas!"
Rusticus clamat,
"Malo arietem dimittere
quam tales comites habere!"
Et statim arietem proiicit.
This story is based on 75. Lupi et Rusticus.
lupus - wolf
et - and
rusticus - country, rural, farmer
aries - ram
excoriatus - skinned, flayed
porto - carry
ad - to, towards
forum - market
is - he/she/it
sequor - follow, pursue
dico - say, speak
quamdiu - for how long
ego - I, me
propono - propose, intend
respondeo - answer, reply
clamo - shout
malo - prefer, would rather
dimitto - send away, give up, abandon
quam - than
talis - such
comes - comrade, associate
habeo - have
statim - immediately directly
proiicio - throw away, cast aside
M0075 (not in Perry)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Equus Circensis Molae Iugatus
Equus senior venumdatus est,
farinam molere compellatus.
Vesperam totam
molae iugatus est, misellus,
et suspirans dicit,
"Cursibus ex qualibus
quales in gyros
propter farinulas compellatus sum!"
Fabula docet:
Noli superbire nimium
prae iuvenilis vigoris ferocia;
multorum senectus
inter labores consumpta est.
This story is based on 275. Equus Circensis Molae Iugatus.
(image source: although this is a donkey, you get the idea)
equus - horse
circensis - used for a circus, racing
mola - mill
iugatus - yoked, joined
senior - older, rather old, quite old
venumdatus - sold, offered for sale
sum - be, exist
farina - flour
molo - grind
compellatus - compelled, called upon
vespera - evening
totus - whole, entire
mola - mill
misellus (miser) - wretched, unlucky
et - and
suspiro - sigh
dico - say, speak
cursus - running, racing, race
ex - from, out from, out of
qualis - such
in - in, into
gyrus - circle, course, ring
propter - for the sake of
farinula - diminutive of farina
fabula - story, tale, fable
doceo - teach
nolo - not, do not, will not
superbio - be proud, boast
nimium - excessively, too much
prae - in front of, because of
iuvenilis - youthful
vigor - strength
ferocia - fierceness, arrogance
multus - much, many
senectus - old age
inter - between, among
labor - hard work, effort
consumo - use up, expend, exhaust
M0275 Perry318
Friday, November 18, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Hircus Equitans
Hircus quidam servus est asini.
Hircus sic cogitat,
"Dominus meus simplex est,
et humilis."
Ascendit ergo asinum,
volens equitare.
Sed asinus iratus est:
pedes anteriores erigit,
et retro cadit super dorsum suum;
hircum sic opprimit et interficit.
Fabula docet:
Si asinus est dominus tuus,
ne equites ipsum.
This story is based on 324. Hircus Equitans.
hircus - goat
equito - ride (on a horse)
quidam - a, certain, one
servus - slave, servant
sum - be, exist
asinus - donkey
sic - in this way, thus
cogito - think
dominus - master
meus - my, mine
simplex - simple-minded, foolish
et - and
humilis - lowly, obscure, insignificant
ascendo - mount, ascend
ergo - there
volo - want, will, wish
sed - but
iratus - angry
pes - foot, hoof
anterior - back, rear
erigo - raise, lift
retro - backwards, back
cado - fall
super - on
dorsum - back, spine
suus - reflexive possessive adjective
opprimo - crush, press down
interficio - kill, murder
fabula - story, tale, fable
doceo - teach
si - if
tuus - your
ne - not, do not, so that not
ipse - emphatic pronoun, he, himself
M0324 Perry623
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Simia et Gemelli Eius
Simiae, ut dicitur,
si gemellos pariunt,
alterum diligunt, alterum neglegunt.
Ecce fabula de simia et gemellis eius:
simia quaedam, venatores timens,
instanter periculum vitat.
Filium dilectum ulnis prehendit;
filius neglectus in matris tergo haeret.
Dum praeceps fugitat,
simia petrae collidit
atque filium dilectum necat.
Neglectus autem, in tergo haerens,
manet incolumis.
This story is based on 108. Simia et Gemelli Eius.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the colored Steinhowel images. Notice that here the mother drops the beloved twin and the hunter's dogs devour him.
simia - monkey
et - and
gemellus - twin
is - he/she/it
ut - as
dico - say
si - if
pario - give birth to
alter - other, another, one...the other
diligo - cherish, love
neglego - neglect
ecce - behold
fabula - story, tale, fable
de - about
quidam - certain, one, a
venator - hunter
timeo - fear, be afraid of
instanter - urgently
periculum - danger, peril
vito - avoid
filius - son, child
ulna - arm, forearm
prehendo - grasp, grip
in - in, into
mater - mother
tergum - back
haereo - cling
dum - while
praeceps - headlong, abruptly
fugito - flee, run away
petra - rock, boulder
collido - strike, crush, smash
atque - and, as well
neco - kill, destroy
autem - but, however
maneo - remain, stay
incolumis - unharmed, safe
M0108 Perry218
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Cocleae et Puer
Puer rusticus cocleas torret,
et cocleae ad prunas strident.
Puer eis dicit,
"Sceleratae bestiae estis!
Quomodo potestis canere,
cum domus vestrae
in flammis sunt?”
This story is based on 645. Cocleae et Puer.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Medici Aesop images.
coclea - snail
et - and
puer - boy
rusticus - country, rural, rustic
torreo - roast, bake
ad - to, towards
pruna - charcoal, live coal
strideo - squeek, shrike, whistle
is - he/she/it
dico - say, speak
sceleratus - criminal, wicked
bestia - beast, creature
sum - be, exist
quomodo - how
possum - can, be able
cano - sing
cum - when
domus - house
vester - your, yours
in - in, into
flamma - flame
M0645 Perry054
Friday, November 11, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Asinus et Vitulus
Asinus et vitulus sunt
in eodem prato,
Sonitum campanae audiunt.
Asinus dicit,
exercitus hostilis advenit."
Tum vitulus dicit,
"O sodalis, fugiamus!
Nisi fugiamus,
hostes nos captivos abducent."
Asinus vitulo respondet,
"Fuge tu,
quem hostes occident et comedent.
Ego asinus sum,
et conditio mea semper eadem est:
vel domino vel hostibus,
onera ferre debeo."
This story is based on 225. Asinus et Vitulus.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Barlow images. This is an image for a different fable but I thought it fit this one nicely too, since the donkey is definitely bearing a load but enjoying a bite to eat at the moment.
asinus - donkey
et - and
vitulus - calf
sum - be, exist
in - in, into
idem - the same
pratum - meadow, field
pascor - feed, graze
sonitus - sound
campana - bell
audio - hear, listen to
dico - say, speak
praesentio - foresee, sense in advance
exercitus - army
hostilis - enemy, hostile
advenio - arrive, come
tum - then
O - oh! o!
sodalis - comrade, partner
fugio - flee, run away
nisi - unless, if not
hostis - enemy
nos - we, us
captivus - captive
abduco - lead away
respondeo - reply, respond
tu - you (singular
qui - who, which, that
occido - kill
comedo - eat, consume
ego - I
conditio - condition, situation
meus - my, mine
semper - always
idem - the same
vel - or, either...or
dominus - master
onus - burden, weight
fero - carry, bear
debeo - must, be obliged
M0225 (not in Perry)
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Mus in Cista Natus
Mus in cista natus est.
In cista omnem aetatem ducit.
In cista sunt nuces,
et mus cotidie nuces comedit.
Dum autem mus ludit
circa oras cistae,
Quaerens ascensum,
reperit epulas optime paratas.
Mus epulas gustat et dicit,
"Quam stultus hactenus fui!
in toto terrarum orbe
nihil melius cistula mea esse.
Nuces vero suaves erant;
suaviores autem cibos nunc comedo!"
This story is based on 200. Mus in Cista Natus.
mus - mouse
in - in, into
cista - box, chest
nascor - be born
omnis - all, whole, every
aetas - age, life
duco - lead, conduct
sum - be, exist
nux - nut
et - and
cotidie - daily, every day
comedo - eat, consume
dum - while
autem - but, however
ludo - play, sport
circa - around
ora - shore, edge
decido - fall down
quaero - seek, look for
ascensus - ascent, way up
reperio - find, discover
epulae - feast, banquet
optimus - best
paratus - prepared
gusto - taste, have a taste of
dico - say, speak
quam - how
stultus - foolish, stupid
hactenus - up until now, so far
credo - believe
totus - all, entire
terra - earth, land
orbis - circle
nihil - nothing
melior - better
cistula - little box, little chest
meus - my, mine
vero - in fact, indeed
suavis - sweet, agreeable
cibus - food, foodstuff, meal
nunc - now
M0200 (not in Perry)
Monday, November 07, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Sol et Stellae
Stellae certant de caeli principatu.
Stella quaeque suum splendorem laudat.
Dum certant, apparet sol;
stellae omnes evanescunt.
This story is based on 740. Sol et Stellae.
sol - sun
et - and
stella - star
certo - contend, dispute
de - about, concerning
caelum - sky, heaven
principatus - first place, leadership
quisque - each, every
suus - reflexive possessive adjective
splendor - brilliance, splendor
laudo - praise
dum - while
appareo - appear, become visible
omnis - every, all, whole
evanesco - disappear, vanish
M0740 (not in Perry)
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Vulpes et Uva
Vulpes, extrema fame coacta,
uvam appetit,
ex alta vite dependentem.
Summis viribus salit,
sed uvam attingere non potest.
Tandem discedit, dicens,
"Uva ista nondum matura est;
uvam acerbam nolo sumere."
This story is based on 37. Vulpes et Uva.
vulpes - fox
et - and
uva - grape, grapes
extremus - utmost, extreme
fames - hunger
coactus - driven
appeto - seek, long for
ex - out of, from
altus - high
vitis - vine, grapevine
dependeo - hang down
summus - highest, greatest
vis - strength, power
salio - leap, jump
sed - but
attingo - touch, reach
non - not, no
possum - able, be able
tandem - at last, finally
discedo - go away, depart
dico - say, speak
iste - that, that there
nondum - not yet
maturus - ripe, mature
sum - be, exist
acerbus - bitter, sour
nolo - will not, refuse
sumo - choose, use, enjoy
M0037 Perry015
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Psittacus Honoratus
Psittacus in aula regis degit.
Aves ceterae interrogant,
"Quid ita homines te habent
in magno honore?"
Ille avibus dicit,
"Quia edoctus sum
exprimendi humanas voces artem."
Fabula nos admonet:
bonas et liberales artes ediscite,
et ubique
clari honorabilesque erunt.
This story is based on 549. Psittacus Honoratus.
psittacus - parrot
honoratus - honored
in - in, into
aula - hall, court
rex - king
dego - spend time, abide
avis - bird
ceterus - other, the rest
interrogo - ask, inquire
quid - what, for what reason
ita - thus, in this way, so
homo - person, man
tu - you
habeo - hold, consider
magnus - great, big
honor - honor, respect
ille - that, that one
dico - say, speak
quia - because
edoceo - teach, train
exprimo - express, utter
humanus - human
vox - voice
ars - art, talent
fabula - story, tale, fable
nos - we, us
admoneo - warn, advise
bonus - good
et - and
liberalis - liberal, honorable
edisco - learn
ubique - everywhere
clarus - renowned, famous
honorabilis - esteemed, honored
-que - and
sum - be, exist
M0549 (not in Perry)
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Formica Transformata
quae nunc formica est,
agricola olim fuit,
fur pessimus,
qui clam surripiebat
vicinorum messes et sata.
Dei indignati sunt
et hominem transformant
in hanc bestiolam.
inveteratae consuetudinis haud oblita,
hominis formam exuit,
non mores suos.
Ut antea,
huc et illuc per campos excurrit,
furtim grana vicinorum suffurans.
Fabula docet:
Difficile est
naturam et mores dediscere.
This story is based on 650. Formica Transformata.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Medici Aesop images.
formica - ant
transformo - change shape, transform
bestia - creature, animal
qui - who, which, that
nunc - now
sum - be, exist
agricola - farmer
olim - once, once upon a time
fur - thief
pessimus - very bad, worst
clam - secretly, stealthily
surripio - snatch, steal, filch
vicinus - neighbor
messis - harvest, crop
satus - planted, sown
deus - god
indignatus - indignant, resentful
homo - person, man
in - in, into
hic - this, this one
bestiola - little creature
inveteratus - old, long-standing
consuetudo - habit
haud - not, not at all
oblitus - forgetful, having forgotten
forma - shape, form
exuo - take off, shed
non - not, no
mos - custom, habit, character
suus - reflexive possessive pronoun
ut - as, just as
antea - formerly, before
huc - hither, to here
illuc - thither, to there
per - through, by way of
campus - field
excurro - run out
furtim - secretly, imperceptibly
granum - grain, kernel
suffuro - steal, steal secretly
fabula - story, tale, fable
doceo - teach
difficilis - difficult, hard
natura - nature
dedisco - unlearn, forget
M0650 Perry166
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Viatores et Pons
Olim noctu
Boeotius viator ambulat,
una cum Corinthio et Atheniensi.
Mox comites veniunt
ad rapidum flumen.
Forte altus pons iungit flumen.
Viatores ascendunt pontem
et in aqua sub pedibus vident
imaginem lunae.
Boeotius dicit,
"Ecce, pulcher caseus in aqua iacet.
Cur nos non praemium deportamus?"
Sine mora
Boeotius manibus pontem tenet,
et suspendit corpus super aquam.
Corinthius prehendit crura amici.
Atheniensis habet tertium locum
et pedibus praemium captat.
Tum exclamat Boeotius,
"Vos tenete firmiter mea crura,
nam manus durum lignum terit."
Simul laxat manus,
et omnes in aquam decidunt.
This story is based on 925. Viatores et Pons.

viator - wayfarer, traveler
et - and
pons - bridge
olim - once, once upon a time
noctu - by night
Boeotius - Boeotian
ambulo - walk, go
una - together
cum - with
Corinthius - Corinthian
Atheniensis - Athenian
mox - soon, next
comes - associate, partner
venio - come
ad - to, towards
rapidus - swift, rapid
flumen - river, stream
forte - by chance
altus - high, tall
pons - bridge
iungo - join, unite, cross
ascendo - go up, ascend
in - in, into
aqua - water
sub - below, under
pes - foot
video - see
imago - image, likeness
luna - moon
dico - say, speak
ecce - behold, look
pulcher - beautiful, handsome
caseus - cheese
iaceo - lie, stretch out
cur - why
nos - we
non - not, no
praemium - prize, reward
deporto - bring, take home
sine - without
mora - delay
manus - hand
teneo - hold, grasp
suspendo - hang up, suspend
corpus - body
super - over, above
deinde -next, finally
prehendo - grab, grasp
crus - leg, shank
amicus - friend
habeo - have, hold
tertius - third
locus - place
capto - grab, catch
tum - then
exclamo - cry out
vos - you (plural)
firmiter - tightly, firmly
meus - my, mine
nam - for, because
durus - hard
lignum - wood
tero - rub
simul - at the same time, at once
laxo - loosen, relax
omnis - all, whole, every
decido - fall down, drop
M0925 (not in Perry)
Friday, October 28, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Oves et Lupi
Lupis et ovibus
naturaliter discordia est,
sed aliquando foedus inter se faciunt.
Lupi et oves obsides tradunt:
oves, in suam partem,
canes custodes lupis tradunt,
et lupi catulos suos ovibus.
Quietae sunt oves,
sed lupuli ululatus edunt,
matrum desiderio.
Tum lupi irruunt, clamitantes,
"Foedus solutum est!
Fides soluta est!"
et sic oves laniant,
canum praesidio destitutas.
Fabula docet:
Stultum in foedere est
praesidia tua hosti tradere.
This story is based on 300. Oves et Lupi.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Herrick images.
ovis - sheep
et - and
lupus - wolf
naturaliter - by nature, naturally
discordia - disagreement, discord
sum - be, exist
sed - but
aliquando - sometime, at some time
foedus - treaty
inter - among, between
se - reflexive pronoun
facio - make, do
obses - hostage, pledge
trado - hand over
in - in, into
suus - reflexive possessive adjective
pars - part
custos - guard, guardian
catulus - cub, pup
quietus - tranquil, peaceful
pascor - feed, graze
ululatus - howl, howling
edo - give out, emit, produce
mater - mother
desiderium - desire, longing
tum - then
irruo - rush in
clamito - shout, keep shouting
solutus - dissolved, unbound
fides - faith, truth
sic - thus, so, in this way
lanio - mangle, mutilate, butcher
praesidium - protection, defense
destitutus - devoid of, deprived of
fabula - story, tale, fable
doceo - teach
stultus - foolish, stupid
tuus - your, yours
hostis - enemy
M0300 Perry153
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Canes et Corium
Corium in flumine depressum est.
Canes corium vident,
et extrahere celeriter volunt.
Aquam igitur lambere incipiunt.
Sic canes rupti sunt
et pereunt,
corium petentes.
This story is based on 349. Canes et Corium.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Billinghurst images. You can see the dead donkey here whose hide has aroused the dogs' appetites!
canis - dog
et - and
corium - hide, leather
in - in, into
flumen - river, stream
depressus - pressed down, submerged
video - see
extraho - pull out, extract
celeriter - quickly, swiftly,
volo - will, want, wish
aqua - water
igitur - therefore
lambo - lick, lap up
incipio - begin
sic - in this way
rumpo - burst, rupture
pereo - perish, die
peto - seek, strive for
M0349 Perry135
Monday, October 24, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Asinus Animalia Fugans et Leo
Asinus forte leoni occurrit et dicit,
"Ascendamus in cacumen montis
et videbis:
multa animalia et me timent."
Leo asini verba ridet et respondet,
Veniunt ad locum.
Asinus cum leone stat in loco edito,
et voce magna clamat.
Vulpes et lepores audiunt et fugiunt.
Asinus leoni dicit,
"Vide, O leo!
Animalia me timent!"
Leo ei respondet,
"Poterat et me terrere vox tua,
sed scio te asinum esse."
This story is based on 233. Asinus Animalia Fugans et Leo.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the colored Steinhowel images. You can see the frightened foxes and rabbits on the run!
asinus - donkey
animal - animal, creature
fugo - put to flight, chase away
et - and
leo - lion
forte - by chance
occurro - run into, meet
dico - say, speak
ascendo - go up, ascend
in - in, into
cacumen - peak
mons - mountain
video - see
multus - much, many
ego - I, me
timeo - fear, be afraid of
verbum - word
rideo - laugh, laugh at, mock
respondeo - answer, reply
eo - go
venio - come to, reach
ad - to, towards
locum - place
cum - with, together with
sto - stand
editus - high, elevated
vox - voice, sound
magnus - great, big
clamo - shout
vulpes - fox
lepus - rabbit, hare
audio - hear, listen
fugio - flee, runa way
O - o! oh!
is - he/she/it
possum - can, be able
terreo - terrify, frighten
tuus - your, yours
sed - but
scio - know
tu - you
sum - be, exist
M0233 Perry151
Friday, October 21, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Canis Aquam Timens
Canis domo exire non audet.
Alius canis interrogat,
"Cur exire non audes?"
"Aqua ferventi quondam excoctus sum."
Fabula docet:
qui mala gravia expertus est,
etiam levissima timet.
This story is based on 351. Canis Aquam Timens.
canis - dog
aqua - water
timeo - fear
pluo - rain
domus - house
exeo - go out, exit
non - not, no
audeo - dare
alius - other, another
interrogo - ask, inquire
cur - why
respondeo - answer, reply
fervens - boiling, hot
quondam - once, once upon a time
excoquo - boil
fabula - story, tale, fable
doceo - teach
homo - person, man
qui - who, which, that
malum - bad thing, trouble
gravis - heavy, serious
experior - experience, undergo
etiam - and, also, even
levis - light, slight, trivial
M0351 (not in Perry)
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Sorices, Mures, et Feles
Feles super fornacem sedet.
Mitram gerit,
baculo suo innitens.
Mures et sorices convocat
et eis dicit,
"Episcopus sum, ut videtis;
ad benedictionem meam inclinate,
mihi obedientes."
Antiquus sorex sic feli respondet,
"Carius est mihi
ut moriar paganus
quam quod fiam christianus
sub vestra manu."
Tunc ergo mures et sorices,
a benedictione ipsius fugientes,
se occultant in suis latebris.
Feles mitram exuit
et episcopatum deponit.
This story is based on 216. Sorices, Mures, et Feles.
sorex - shrew-mouse
mus - mouse
et -
feles - cat
super - above, on top of
fornax - oven
sedeo - sit
mitra - mitre, bishop's mitre
gero - bear, wear, carry on, do
baculum - staff, scepter, crozier
suus - reflexive possessive pronoun
innitor - lean on
convoco - call together
is - he/she/it
dico - say, speak
episcopus - bishop
sum - be, exist
ut - as, so, so that
video - see
ad - towards, to
benedictio - blessing
meus - my, mine
inclino - bend, bow down
ego - I, me
obedio - obey, listen to
antiquus - old, ancient, elderly
sic - in this way, thus
respondeo - answer, reply
carus - dear, precious, valuable
morior - die
paganus - pagan
quam - than
quod - that
fio - become
christianus - Christian
sub - under
vester - your (polite, formal)
manus - hand
tunc - then
ergo - therefore
ipse - (him/her/it)self, the very one
fugio - flee, run away
se - reflexive pronoun
occulto - hide, conceal
in - in, into
latebra - hiding place
exuo - pull off, take off
episcopatus - office of bishop
depono - put down, set aside
M0216 Perry692
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Ranae et Sol
Ranae laetae sunt!
Nuntius eis dicit,
"Sol uxorem ducit!"
Sed rana una ceteris prudentior est,
et aliis dicit,
"O vos, cives stolidos,
nonne periculum videtis?
Aestus unius Solis
saepe nos excruciat!
Quid igitur
si liberos etiam procreat?"
This story is based on 607. Ranae et Sol.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Billinghurst images.
rana - frog
sol - sun
laetus - happy
sum - be, exist
nuntius - messenger, herald
is - he/she/it
dico - say, speak
uxor - wife
uxorem duco - marry
sed - but
unus - one
ceterus - other, rest
prudens - wise, insightful
alius - other, another
et - and
O - o! oh!
vos - you (plural)
civis - citizen
stolidus - dumb, dull-witted
nonne - don't you...? (question)
periculum - danger
video - see
aestus - boiling heat, fire
saepe - often
nos - we, us
excrucio - torment, torture
quid - what
igitur - therefore
si - if
liberi - children, offspring
etiam - also, even
procreo - produce, spawn, beget
M0607 Perry314
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Pulex, Homo, et Hercules
Pulex insilit in pedem hominis.
Herculem invocat,
et rogat,
"Hunc pulicem opprime, quaeso!"
Sed mox
pulex se illinc saltu subducit,
Ille homo cum gemitu dicit,
"O Hercules,
quid opis
ego abs te exspectare possum
in magnis periculis,
si contra pulicem mihi non ades?"
This story is based on 703. Pulex, Homo, et Hercules.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Medici Aesop images.
pulex - flea
homo - persona, man
et - and
Hercules - Hercules
insilio - leap in, jump on
in - in, into
pes - foot
invoco - call upon, invoke
rogo - ask, ask for
hic - this, this one
opprimo - crush, overwhelm
quaeso - beg, ask for
sed - but
mox - soon, next
se - reflexive pronoun
illinc - from there
saltus - leap, jump
subduco - carry off, transfer
impune - without punishment, safely
cum - with
gemitus - moan, groan
dico - say, speak
O - oh! o!
quid - what
ops - help, power, influence
ego - I
abs - from, by
tu - you
exspecto - await, expect, hope for
possum - can, be able
magnus - great, large
periculum - danger, peril
si - if
contra - against
non - not, no
adsum - be present, appear, aid
M0703 Perry231
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Lupus et Persona Tragoedi
Lupus personam tragoedi invenit
in agro.
Semel et iterum personam vertit,
et dicit,
"O quanta species,
et cerebrum non habet
neque sensum!"
Haec fabula de illis dicitur
qui gloriam et honorem habent,
prudentiam vero nullam.
This story is based on 106. Lupus et Persona Tragoedi.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Brescia images.
lupus - wolf
et - and
persona - mask
tragoedus - tragic actor
invenio - find, come upon
in - in, into
ager - field
semel - once
iterum - again
verto - turn
dico - say, speak
O - o! oh!
quantus - how much
species - appearance, beauty
cerebrum - brain, intelligence
non - not, no
habeo - have
neque - and not, nor, neither
sensus - feeling, sense, perception
hic - this, this one
fabula - tale, story, fable
de - about, concerning
ille - that, that one
qui - who, which, that
gloria - glory
honor - renown, honor
prudentia - intelligence, good sense
vero - in fact
nullus - not any, none
M0106 Perry027
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Asinus Res Sacras Portans
Asinus quidam res sacras portat.
Homines res sacras venerantur.
Asinus sic cogitat,
homines omnes me venerantur!"
Itaque erectus incedit, putans,
"Mihi tus illud offerunt,
atque carmina."
Asini errorem mox aliquis videt,
et ei dicit,
"Mi asine,
istam vanitatem tibi excute!
Caerimoniis colunt non te,
sed istas res sacras;
iste divus, non tu,
religione dignus est."
This story is based on 249. Asinus Res Sacras Portans.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Billinghurst images. In the ancient world, the donkey was usually carrying an image of Isis, but here the story has been adapted to a Christian context!
asinus - donkey
res - thing
sacer - holy, sacred
porto - carry
quidam - certain, one, a
homo - person, man
veneror - worship, venerate
sic - thus, in this way
cogito - think
ecce - behold! look!
omnis - all, every
ego - I, me
itaque - so, accordingly, therefore
erectus - upright, bold, confident
incedo - go, proceed
puto - reckon, suppose
tus - incense
ille - that, that one
offero - offer, present
atque - and
carmen - song, poem, prayer
error - mistake, error
mox - soon
aliquis - somebody, someone
video - see
et - and
is - he/she/it
dico - say, speak
meus - my, mine
iste - that, that there (of yours)
vanitas - vanity, self-importance
tu - you
excutio - shake off, cast out
caerimonium - rite, ritual, ceremony
colo - worship, honor, take care of
non - not, no
sed - but
divus - god; holy one
religio - worship, reverence, awe
dignus - worthy
sum - be, exist
M0249 Perry182
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Canes Duo et Os
Canes duo sunt:
Nero et Phylax.
Una inveniunt eximium os.
Uterque totum os postulat;
rixa exardescit;
postremo amici pugnam committunt.
Solum fluit sanguine.
Tandem Phylax Neronem fugat!
Phylax victor ad locum redit
ubi praedam reliquit.
At abest os!
Canis prudentior os abstulerat,
dum illi pugnabant.
This story is based on 350. Canes Duo et Os.
canis - dog
duo - two
et - and
os - bone
sum - be, exist
Nero - Nero
Phylax - Phyax
una - together
invenio - find, come up
eximius - excellent, outstanding
uterque - each (of two)
totus - whole, entire
postulo - claim, demand
rixa - quarrel
exardesco - grow hot, flare up
postremo - next, following
amicus - friendly, friend
pugna - fight
committo - unite, engage, bring about
solum - ground, soil
fluo - flow
sanguis - blood
tandem - finally
fugo - put to flight, chase away
exsulto - rejoice, jump about
victor - victor, conqueror
ad - to, towards
locus - place
redeo - go back, return
ubi - where
praeda - prize, booty
relinquo - leave
at - but, on the contrary
absum - be away, be absent
prudens - sensible, discerning
aufero - carry off, take away
dum - while
ille - that, that one
pugno - fight, do battle
M0350 (not in Perry)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Mustela et Lima
Mustela in officinam fabri aerarii intrat.
Lima ibi iacet,
et mustela limam circumlambit.
Mustelae lingua dilacerata est,
et multus eius sanguis effluit.
Mustela tamen oblectata est, putans,
"Aliquid ex ferro avellere possum!"
Tandem omnino linguam amittit.
Haec fabula eos castigat,
qui, contentionum cupidi,
sibimet ipsis nocent.
This story is based on 194. Mustela et Lima.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Medici Aesop images. I wish there were larger scans available of these Medici images - but the weasel is indeed licking the file there!
mustela - weasel
et - and
lima - file (for working metal)
in - in, into
officina - workshop
faber - worker, smith
aerarius - bronze, copper
intro - enter, go into
ibi - there, in that place
iaceo - lie, be situated
circumlambo - lick all around
lingua - tongue
dilacero - tear to pieces, tear up
multus - much
is - he/she/it
sanguis - blood
effluo - flow out
tamen - but, however
oblectatus - delighted
puto - think, reckon
aliquis - someone, something
ex - from, out from, out of
ferrum - iron
avello - take away from, wrest
possum - can, be able
tandem - finally, at last
omnino - completely
lingua - tongue
amitto - lose
hic - this, this one
fabula - story, tale, fable
castigo - chide, rebuke, criticize
qui - who, which, that
contentio - strife, struggle, controversy
cupidus - desirous, craving, yearning
se - reflexive personal pronoun
ipse - (he/her/it)self
noceo - harm, injure
M0194 Perry059
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Hirundo et Corvus
De formositate certamen est
inter hirundinem et corvum.
Corvus hirundini exprobrat, dicens,
"Formam tuam conspici non potest,
nisi veris tempore,
hieme autem
non potest resistere frigori."
Hirundine nihil respondente,
corvus addit,
"Meum vero corpus
et frigori hieme
et calori aestate par est."
This story is based on 485. Hirundo et Corvus.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Patousas images.
hirundo - swallow (bird)
et - and
corvus - crow
de - about, concerning
formositas - shapeliness, beauty
certamen - contest, struggle
sum - be, exist
inter - between, among
exprobro - reproach, chide
dico - say, speak
forma - shape, beauty
tuus - your, yours
conspicio - see, observe
non - no, not
possum - can, be able
nisi - unless, except
ver - spring, springtime
tempus - time
hiems - winter
autem - but, however
resisto - oppose, resist, withstand
frigus - cold
nihil - nothing
respondeo - answer, reply
addo - add, say in addition
meus - my, mine
vero - truly, indeed
corpus - body
calor - heat, warmth
par - equal
M0485 Perry229
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Lupus Monachus
Lupus senex fit,
et venari amplius non potest.
Sumit ergo monachi habitum,
religioni se addicens.
Hoc modo,
cibum ostiatim mendicat.
Alius lupum eum reprehendit,
"Quid facis tu,
monachi habitum sumens
et cibum ostiatim mendicans?"
Lupus monachus respondet,
"Sententia tua,
quid facere possum?
Dentes decidunt,
currere non valeo:
aliter vivere posse diffido."
This story is based on 100. Lupus Monachus.
Here is an image for the story (image source) show the wolf as a would-be monk.
lupus - wolf
senex - old
fio - become, be made
et - and
venor - hunt
amplius - greater, further, more
non - not, no
possum - can, be able
sumo - take up, assume
habitus - condition, expression, dress
religio - religion, worship
se - reflexive pronoun
addico - award, assign, enslave
hic - this
modus - way, manner, limit
cibus - food
ostiatim - door-to-door
mendico - beg
alius - other, another
is - he/she/it
reprehendo - hold back, blame
dico - say, speak
quis - what
facio - do, make
tu - you
respondeo - answer, reply
sententia - opinion, impression
tuus - your, yours
dens - tooth
decido - fall down, fall out
curro - run
valeo - be strong, be capable
aliter - in another way, otherwise
vivo - live, make a living
diffido - despair, lack confidence
M0100 (not in Perry)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Taurus et Culex
Culex tauri cornu occupat,
"Volo te deprimere onere meo!"
Sed taurus culicem neglegit.
Extremis viribus exploratis,
culex avolare cupit,
et tauro dicit,
"Si molestus sum tibi,
te levabo onere meo,
Taurus respondet,
"Te non sensi accedentem,
nec sentio te rursus abientem."
This story is based on 292. Taurus et Culex.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Milo Winter images. You'll have to look hard to find the little gnat!
culex - gnat
taurus - bull
cornu - horn
occupo - seize, attack, occupy
dico - say, speak
volo - want, will, wish
tu - you
deprimo - keep down, force down
onus - weight, burden
meus - my, mine
sed - but
neglego - neglect, ignore
extremus - outer, utmost, greatest
vis - strength, power, force
exploro - test, try out, search out
avolo - fly away, fly off
cupio - desire, wish
et - and
si - if
molestus - annoying, tiresome
sum - be, exist
levo - release, lighten, lessen
respondeo - answer, reply
non - not, no
sentio - feel, be aware
accedo - come near, approach
nec - and not, nor
rursus - again
abeo - go away
M0292 Perry137
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