I won't be adding any new fables for a while in order to concentrate on the Latin Distich project, but here is a random easy fable to keep you busy in the meantime - just click on the title of the fable to see the text of the fable, along with a vocabulary list! There are appx. 200 fables with vocabulary now, so you should be able to find some fun things to read at random. :-)
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Pulex et Homo
Pulex hominem mordet;
homo extemplo pulicem comprehendit.
Pulex homini dicit,
"Oro, ut me mittas,
bestiolam tam minutam,
et tam levis punctuli ream!"
At homo ille renuit et,
hostem enecans, dicit,
"Hoc modo
docere volo pulices omnes,
et ceteros similes,
quam periculosum sit
homines pungere,
quorum digiti
facile vos opprimere possunt."
This story is based on 702. Pulex et Homo.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Arthur Rackham images.
pulex - flea
et - and
homo - person, man
mordeo - bite
extemplo - immediately
comprehendo - grasp, catch, seize
dico - say, speak
oro - ask, beg, implore
ut - so that, that, in order to
ego - I, me
mitto - let go, send away
bestiola - tiny creature
tam - so
minutus - tiny
levis - light, slight
punctulum - tiny bite, sting
reus - guilty
at - but, on the other hand
ille - that, that, one
renuo - refuse, shake head "no"
hostis - enemy
eneco - kill, kill off
hic - this, this one
modus - way, manner, mode
doceo - teach
volo - want, wish, will
omnis - all, entire, every
ceterus - other, remaining, rest
similis - similar, like
quam - how
periculosus - dangerous, perilous
sum - be, exist
pungo - sting, prick
qui - who, which, that
digitus - finger
facile - easily
vos - you (plural)
opprimo - press down, crush
possum - can, be able
M0702 Perry272
Monday, December 19, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Vulpes Sine Cauda
In foveam incidit vulpecula,
et cauda eius detruncata est!
Postea occurrit multis vulpeculis.
Eas indignabunde conspicit et dicit,
"Fraterculi, quo vaditis?"
"Ad leonis basilicam imus," respondent.
"Ad leonis basilicam?" dicit vulpes.
"Profecto, ego ab ea redeo,
et mos iamiam novellus est:
omnes ferae detruncant caudas!"
Vulpeculae verba eius audiunt,
et detruncant caudas suas.
Vulpes hoc videt et irridet!
Hoc modo consolata est,
"Socios mihi creavi,
si non periculi, saltem pudoris."
Fabula docet:
Socios doloris habere
solamen est
This story is based on 41. Vulpes Sine Cauda.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Crane images.
vulpes - fox
sine - without
cauda - tail
in - in, into
fovea - pit, pitfall
incido - fall into
vulpecula - fox (diminutive)
et - and
is - he/she/it
detrunco - cut off, mutilate
postea - aftewards
occurro - run into
multus - much, many
indignabunde - indignantl, angrily
conspicio - look at, inspect
dico - say, speak
fraterculus - brother (diminutive)
quo - where? to where
vado - go
ad - to, towards
leo - lion
basilica - basilica, hall
eo - go
respondeo - answer, reply
profecto - certainly, in fact
ego - I
ab - from
redeo - come back, return
mos - habit, custom
iamiam - now, already
novellus - new (diminutive)
sum - be, exist
omnis - all, whole, every
fera - wild animal, beast
verbum - word
audio - hear, listen to
suus - reflexive possessive adjective
hic - this, this one
video - see
irrideo - mock, scoff, laugh
modus - manner, way
consolatus - consoled, comforted
socius - ally, comrade, companion
creo - create
si - if
non - not, no
periculum - danger, peril
saltem - at least, anyhow
pudor - shame, embarrassment
fabula - story, tale, fable
doceo - teach
dolor - grief, sorrow, suffering
habeo - have
solamen - comfort
miser - wretched, unfortunate, unlucky
M0041 = Perry017
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Haedus et Lupus Fores Pulsans
Capra, in pascua exiens,
haedum domi concludit.
Mater monet nemini aperire,
dum ipsa redeat.
Lupus id audit!
Post haedi matris discessum,
fores pulsat et voce caprissat,
"Mater sum; fores aperi!"
Haedus dolum praesentit,
et dicit,
"Non aperio,
nam etsi vox caprissat,
tamen lupum per rimas video."
This story is based on 328. Haedus et Lupus Fores Pulsans.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Milo Winter images.
haedus - kid, young goat
et - and
lupus - wolf
foris - door, gate
pulso - knock, beat
capra - goat, she-goat
in - in, into
pascuum - pasture, grazing land
exeo - go out
domus - home
concludo - shut up, lock in
mater - mother
moneo - warn, advise
nemo - no one, nobody
aperio - open
dum - while, until
ipse - (him/her/it)self
redeo - return, come back
is - he/she/it
audio - hear
post - after
discessus - departure
vox - voice
caprisso - to be like a goat, make like a goat
iubeo - command
sum - be, exist
dolus - trick, device, cunning
praesentio - foresee, anticipate
dico - say, speak
non - not, no
nam - for, the fact is
etsi - even if
tamen - but, however
per - through
rima - crack
video - see
M0328 Perry572
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Fur et Stultus
Stultus quidam templum intrat.
Calceos in vestibulo relinquit
et in limine haec verba scribit:
cuius hi calcei sunt,
admodum validus sum,
et mox redibo."
Fur calceos abripit,
et ita subscribit,
"Ego sum cursor velocissimus,
nec mihi in animo est redire."
This story is based on 905. Fur et Stultus.

fur - thief
et - and
stultus - stupid, foolish, fool
quidam - a certain, one, a
templum - temple
intro - enter, go into
calceus - shoe
in - in, into
vestibulum - entrance
relinquo - leave, abandon
limen - threshold, lintel
hic - this, this one
verbum - word
scribo - write
ego - I
qui - who, which, that
sum - be, exist
admodum - very, exceedingly, greatly
validus - strong, powerful
mox - soon
redeo - come back, return
abripio - snatch, steal
ita - thus, in this way
subscribo - write under
cursor - runner
velox - speedy, fast
nec - and not, nor
animus - mind
M0905 (not in Perry)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Canis et Vultur
Canis et vultur humana effodiunt ossa.
Canis thesaurum invenit et violat Manes;
iniecta est illi divitiarum cupiditas
et hoc modo sacrilegii poenas luit.
Dum aurum custodit,
oblitus ciborum copiam,
fame est consumptus.
Vultur, cani adstans, dicit,
"O canis, merito poenas luis!
Concupiscis regales opes,
sed trivio conceptus es,
et in stercoribus educatus.
Quid tibi prodest has divitias invenire?"
This story is based on 358. Canis et Vultur.
canis - dog
et - and
vultur - vulture
humanus - human
effodio - dig up, dig out
os - bone
thesaurus - treasure
invenio - find
violo - desecrate, violate
Manes - spirits of the dead
iniicio - inject, instill, inspire
ille - that, that one
divitiae - weath, riches
cupiditas - greed, desire
hic - this, this one
modus - mode, way, manner
sacrilegium - robbery of sacred goods
poena - penalty, punishment
luo - pay, atone for, pay compensation
dum - while
aurum - gold
custodio - guard, watch over
oblitus - forgetful, having forgotten
cibus - food
copia - abundance
fames - hunger
consumo - destroy, wear away, use up
adsto - stand by, beside
dico - say, speak
O - o! oh!
merito - rightfully, justly
concupisco - desire eagerly, covet
regalis - royal, fit for a king
ops - help, resources, wealth
sed - but
trivium - crossroads (in trivio, "in the gutter")
concipio - take up, grasp, form, conceive
in - in, into
stercus - manure, dung
educo - bring up, rear, educate
quid - what, for what reason, why
tu - you
prosum - profit, be useful
M0358 Perry483
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Apes et Pastor
Apes mel faciunt in quercu cava,
operi intentae.
Pastor vero in apes forte incidit
et, sedulo taciteque agens,
favos aufert.
Apes hoc sentiunt;
furore percitae,
hinc et illinc circumvolant
suisque aculeis hostem abigunt.
Ille tamen, victus, dicit,
"Valete, o feroculae,
aeternum valete!
Non adeo mel desidero,
ut a vobis illud accipiam."
This story is based on 677. Apes et Pastor.
apis - bee
et - and
pastor - shepherd
mel - honey
facio - do, make
in - in, into
quercus - oak
cavus - hollow
opus - work
intentus - attentive to, intent on
vero - in fact, indeed
forte - by chance
incido - fall into, come upon
sedulo - diligently, carefully
tacite - quietly
-que - and
ago - do, act, lead
favus - honeycomb
aufero - carry away
hic - this, this thing, this one
sentio - feel, sense, be aware of
furor - anger, rage, wrath
percitus - stirred up
hinc - here, to here, hither
illinc - there, to there, thither
circumvolo - fly around
suus - reflexive possessive adjective
aculeus - sting
hostis - enemy
abigo - drive away
ille - that, that thing, that one
tamen - however, but
victus - defeated
dico - say, speak
valeo - be well, farewell
o - o! oh!
feroculus - wild, cruel (diminutive)
aeternum - forever
non - not, no
adeo - so far, so much
desidero - crave, desire
ut - so, so that
a - from
vos - you (plural)
accipio - take, accept, receive
M0677 Perry400
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Mors et Senex
Mors ad Senem advenit, dicens,
"Te e vita nunc rapio."
Senex rogat,
"O Mors, paululum differ!
Testamentum condere debeo,
et cetera necessaria praeparare
ad tantum iter."
Mors respondet,
"Cur non hactenus praeparasti,
toties a me admonitus?"
Senex clamat,
"Sed te numquam vidi!"
Mors respondet,
"Mortalitatis tuae te admonebam
cum quotidie rapiebam
non modo aequales tuos,
quorum nulli fere iam restant,
verum etiam iuvenes, pueros, infantes.
me tibi propinquam esse,
cum sentiebas oculos hebescere,
auditum ceterosque sensus deficere,
et corpus ingravescere in dies.
Et te admonitum negas?
Quare ulterius differendum non est."
This story is based on 818. Mors et Senex.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the images in Bewick's Select Fables.
mors - death
et - and
senex - old man
ad - to, towards
advenio - come, arrive
dico - say
tu - you
e - from, out of
vita - life
nunc - now
rapio - grab, snatch
rogo - ask
O - o! oh!
paululum - a little bit
differo - postpone, put off
testamentum - will, testament
condo - make, compose
ceterus - other, rest
necessarius - necessary
praeparo - prepare, get ready
tantus - so great, such
iter - journey
respondeo - answer, reply
cur - why
non - not, no
hactenus - so far, till now
toties - so many times
a - by, from
admoneo - warn, advise
clamo -shout
sed - tu
numquam - never
video - see
mortalitas - mortality
tuus - your, yours
cum - when
quotidie - daily, every day
non modo - not only
aequalis - equal, contemporary
qui - who, which, that
nullus - none, not any
fere - practically, almost
iam - already, now
resto - remain
verum - truly
etiam - also
iuvenis - youth, young person
puer - boy
infans - infant, baby
ego - I
propinquus - nearby
sum - be, exist
sentio - sense, be aware
oculus - eye
hebesco - grow feeble
auditus - hearing, sense of hearing
-que - and
sensus - sense, awareness
deficio - fail
corpus - body
ingravesco - grow heavy, sluggish
in - in, into
dies - day
nego - deny, say that not
quare - for that reason, therefore
ulterius - further, farther
M0818 (not in Perry)
Monday, December 05, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Poeta et Agricola
Agricola ad poetam accedit;
agros enim poetae colit.
Poetam inter libros solum offendit,
et interrogat,
"Quomodo ita solus vivere potes?"
Poeta ei respondet,
"Solus tantummodo esse coepi,
postquam te huc contulisti."
This story is based on 867. Poeta et Agricola.
Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the images in Bewick's Select Fables.
poeta - poet
et - and
agricola - farmer
ad - to, toward
accedo - approach
ager - field
enim - for, the fact is that
colo - cultivate
inter - among
liber - book
solus - alone
offendo - come upon, run into
interrogo - ask, inquire
quomodo - how
ita - thus, in this way, so
solus - alone
vivo - live
possum - can, be able
is - he/she/it
respondeo - answer, reply
tantummodo - only, merely
sum - be, exist
coepi - I began (perfect only)
postquam - after
tu - you
huc - to this place, hither
confero - convey, carry
M0867 (not in Perry)
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Gallus et Ancillae
Anus domi ancillas multas habet;
gallum quoque habet.
Quotidie, ante solis ortum,
ad galli cantum ancillas excitat ad opus.
Ancillae tandem,
quotidiani negotii taedio commotae,
gallum obtruncant, sperantes,
"Iam, gallo necato,
nos in medios dies dormire possumus."
Sed haec spes ancillas miseras frustrata est.
Hera enim,
ut necatum gallum scivit,
ancillas surgere deinceps iubet
intempesta nocte.
This story is based on 553. Gallus et Ancillae.

Click here for a SLIDESHOW of all the Barlow images.
anus - old woman
domus - home, house
ancilla - maid, servant
multus - much, many
habeo - have
gallus - rooster
quoque - also
quotidie - every day
ante - before
sol - sun
ortus - rising, beginning
ad - to, towards, at
cantus - song, singing
excito - awake, arouse
opus - work
tandem - finally
quotidianus - daily
negotium - work
taedium - weariness
commotus - moved, stirred up
obtrunco - kill, cut down
spero - hope
iam - now, already
neco - kill, slay
nos - we
in - in, into
medius - middle, mid
dies - day
dormio - sleep
possum - can, be able
sed - but
hic - this, this one
spes - hope
miser - wretched, unhappy, unlucky
frustror - frustrate, deceive
hera - mistress, lady of the house
enim - for, the fact is
ut - as, (as soon) as
scio - know, find out
surgo - rise, arise
deinceps - thereafter, afterwards
iubeo - command, order
intempesta nox - the death of night
M0553 Perry055
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Fabula Facilis: Servus Nihil Faciens
Vir verberibus servum maxime castigat
ob pigritiam.
Servus clamat,
"Cur me verberas?
Nihil enim facio."
At herus respondet,
"Propter id ipsum te verbero,
quod nihil facis."
This story is based on 955. Servus Nihil Faciens.
servus - slave, servant
nihil - nothing
facio - do, make
vir - man
verber - lash, whip, beating
maxime - the most, very greatly
castigo - punish, chastise
ob - because of, on account of
pigritia - laziness
clamo - shout, cry
cur - why
ego - I, me
verbero - beat, strike, whip
enim - for, the fact is
at - but, on the other hand
herus - master
respondeo - answer, reply
propter - near, on account of
is - he/she/it
ipse - (him/her/it)self
tu - you
quod - because, because of the fact that
M0955 (not in Perry)
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